Source 11:  Newspaper report, The Scotsman, 11 October 1909

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This article from The Scotsman newspaper describes the women's suffrage procession which was organised by members of the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) and which took place in Edinburgh on 10 October 1909.


Suffragist Demonstration in Edinburgh

A Fine Spectacle - Absence of Enthusiasm

Something of a pageant, largely a procession, and wholly a spectacular advertisement, the women's franchise demonstration which took place in Edinburgh on Saturday afternoon will be remembered as a great success fromt he point of view of its promoters, the Women's Social and Political Union. Everything was in its favour. Better weather conditions could not have been chosen; the streets were in perfect condition; and although the southerly breeze may have troubled standard-bearers, it was agreeable to the enormous crowds who came to witness the scene.